
LBMC的急症后护理咨询专家团队协助协调门诊患者的护理, acute and post-acute care (PAC) providers from an operational perspective. LBMC的团队为急症后护理提供者提供服务,帮助他们有效地应对战略, regulatory and reimbursement challenges. 我们还与医院合作,制定急性后护理网络战略,并将重点放在更加协调、成本更低的连续护理上.

The New World of Growing Post-Acute Care Networks

急症护理医院正在努力寻找与急症后护理提供者合作的新途径. Driven by the increasing prevalence of ACOs, episode-based reimbursement models, and hospital readmission penalties, these relationships are vital. 在本指南中, 我们将探讨新的操作需求,并就如何解决这些需求提供见解和解决方案.


LBMC的专家团队曾担任过各种c级医疗保健领导职务. 这些专业知识使明升体育app下载LBMC专家能够了解所有急症后医疗保健提供者面临的主要运营挑战, 带来实用的专业知识,以提高运营绩效和提高底线.


  1. 由于医疗保险和医疗补助计划的反复削减造成了越来越多的财政限制,报销挑战继续上升, 供应商必须制定新的强有力的财政战略,以保持和增加收入. 尽管收入面临下行压力,但患者需要而且必须得到高质量的护理.
  2. 门诊、急性和急性后护理提供者之间的护理协调至关重要. 有效的策略始于急性发作前的护理管理,并在整个过程中与所有提供者和患者合作,以确保安全过渡到社区.
  3. LBMC的护理连续协调模型为医生提供了框架, 急症护理医院和急症后护理提供者实现最高质量的病人护理.

Who could benefit from a post-acute care strategy opportunity?

  1. Medical care providers, including physicians and non-physician providers
  2. 医院
  3. 急症后护理提供者, including long-term hospitals (LTCHs), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) and home health agencies

Advantages to working with LBMC on post-acute care strategy

  1. Better management of patients throughout the healthcare continuum
  2. Controlling costs under bundled payment and value-based payment models
  3. 提高患者质量
  4. 额外收入来源
  5. 增加还款

Developing a Post Acute Care Strategy

许多医院正在转向外部组织来指导他们制定和管理他们的急性后护理(PAC)战略. With the increasing penalties tied to readmissions, 责任医疗组织(ACOs)的日益普及和捆绑支付计划的推进, 预计医院将在出院后30至90天内为患者提供护理和指导. 是否需要更好地管理捆绑支付模式或解决不断升级的再入院处罚, 大多数医院缺乏有效管理这些战略所需的内部专业知识和/或技术.

If there are no internal resources available, 许多医院求助于专业服务公司和技术公司,这些公司提供急症后护理网络支持服务. 解决方案的范围从仅提供软件到全PAC网络管理, 包括软件, 数据分析, reorganization of hospital processes, PAC provider network development and management, 护理重新设计服务, and clinical transitional care support.

寻求外部资源的医院往往选择最低限度的支持以节省资金. 然而,如果他们选择一个完全基于成本的解决方案,他们可能会付出更多的代价. 外部组织提供的越少,必须使用的医院资源就越多. Many times, the lowest cost solution does not provide the best value.

有一次, a hospital selection committee expressed to potential outside partners, that they were looking for a solution to purchase and run themselves. While this sounds like a solid approach to minimize spend, 它低估了医院工作人员有效使用该解决方案所需的时间和资源. 很少有医院, 如果有任何, 是否有空闲的员工可以操作软件并提供必要的决策支持. 还必须考虑培训医院工作人员实施该解决方案的成本, 以及技术人员流失和新员工培训的可能性.

一家医院的首席财务官最近讲述了他使用“纯技术”解决方案的经历. 该软件帮助医院决定哪个PAC供应商将提供最佳的预期患者结果. 然而, 首席财务官指出,这一过程需要医院工作人员花费大量时间从CMS下载数据, 输入到软件中, 解读数据, apply clinical insight to the data, 为PAC提供者选择提供操作输入(仅从急症护理的角度), 提供临床过渡性护理支持,指导患者完成连续的护理, 接收并解读病人的治疗结果. The solution required more than just hitting a button.

另一位医院高管表示,虽然他们使用的技术解决方案在提供数据分析和信息仪表板方面很有效, it did nothing to guide them operationally.  “It provided us with great information, and we could see all of the levers, but we did not know which levers to pull,他说. It was like operating without a manual. What good is a system if you don’t know how to use it?

医院 are entering a new era of care continuum management. They cannot be expected to navigate PAC with software alone. 一个完整的PAC网络管理合作伙伴可能会为医院患者带来最好的结果,并且从长远来看可能会降低成本.

Physician Post-Acute Care Consulting 服务

  1. Identifying Physician Opportunities in Post- Acute Care
  2. 编码与计费教育
  3. Utilization of Non-Physician Providers
  4. 合规 Program Development and Implementation
  5. 收益周期管理
  6. HIPAA 隐私 and Security 审计s
  7. Practice and Billing Assessments
  8. Provider Enrollment and Credentialing
  9. Practice Management Consulting
  10. Electronic Medical Record Vendor Review, Selection, and Implementation

Hospital Post-Acute Care Consulting 服务

  1. 急性后护理策略 Development
  2. Bundled Payment Program Evaluation
  3. Post-Acute Care Partner Evaluation
  4. 排放计划分析
  5. CJR Collaborator Agreement Review
  6. Episode-Based Post-Acute Care Contracts
  7. Cost Report Review and Preparation
  8. Co-management and JV Arrangement Development
  9. Income Guarantee Monthly Computation 服务
  10. Community Health and Physician Needs Assessments

Post-Acute Care Provider Consulting 服务

  1. Value-Based Purchasing Strategy Development
  2. Final Rule and IMPACT Act 合规
  3. SNFist Program Implementation
  4. Antibiotic Stewardship Program Development
  5. Hospital Readmission Protocol Implementation
  6. Quality Measures and 5 Star Rating Improvement
  7. 收益周期管理
  8. Cost Report Review and Preparation
  9. Creation of Community Specific Care Management Programs
  10. HIPAA 合规/HIM/IT安全
  11. LTPAC Software Selection, Implementation and Management


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